Article Directories sites list-Top 100 Best Web Submission Sites

Directory submission sites-Submit to free articles sites list of 250 best article submission directories sites-2013

directory submission list
Free directory submission sites 2013- Top article sites and directories  100 article submission sites  free website submission submit articles to 100 + best article sites-directories.
We all know that article submission is one of the most prominent ways to improve SEO for your blog or website.Submit articles to these 100+ best free article directories sites and generate quality backlinks to your website.Free article submission is an effective way to improve SEO for websites,blogs. 
Most of the article submission directories listed in this "free directory submission sites list"  also provide free articles that you can submit to your own website.

This Free article submission sites list for year 2012-2013 includes top web directories and article websites with good search engines traffic, high Google page rank from PR 4-8, best Alexa rank, deep links facility, easy link submission services. The free directory submission sites list is as per Google Page Rank and Alexa Rank.

The directory Submission sites list provides detailed reviews, rating, rankings about these top best free web article directories.You can easily submit your blog,websites or url link of any web or blog page to these top best 100 free online web article submission directories in the world-2013.

By manual article submitting to these sites you get 100's to 1000's backlinks. That's why article directory submission is used by many of bloggers, affiliate marketers,webmasters to get stable backlinks from high Google PR directory sites.For any reason, one thing is common that if you manually submit your articles on these top article submission directorie websites, then you will surely  get the best results possible for your article marketing campaigns.

Top list of article directories 2013= Satisfaction Guaranteed !
Fresh new updated list of article directories sites for year 2013- High PR directory sites for SEO and backlinks to your website or blog-get free articles for your own website.
Article directories with full details-

Top article directories

100 Article Directories-Free Article Directories List

Want to free submit your website or blogs to lots of directories? Use this free Submit Directory List to submit your website to all the top best web directory sites. Submitting your blogs to these directories would surely increase the traffic rank, Alexa rank of your blog/web pages rank.Some of the directories allow your articles to get published instantly while the others initially review your articles before publishing them online.The Directories with Google Page Rank of 8,7,6 are the most popular, highly reputed, and the best of all the directories for online publishers, writers, affiliate marketers,and bloggers. You have to write some unique articles for all the directories and don't submit a single article to different directories. Make 8-10 variants copies of each of the article to be submitted. Be ready to write some excellent articles only to submit to these best rated free article submission directories to have your weblog as high ranked as you had ever expected!

Once the Google PR for your site's home page have improved, then you may  start working on to optimize the searchability of the other deep links in your blog.

List of 10 Top Article Directories-Submit Articles

Submit free articles for your blog/website to these best article submission directories in the world to promote, get high Google page rank, and numerous backlinks !

free directory list

Technorati (Google Page Rank:8  Alexa Rank: 979)

The no.1 best article/blog submission directory in the blogging world! Submit free articles and your blog gets a high volume of traffic and incoming backlinks (no-follow) through the articles posted on this article submission directory website. One of the most popular free directory submission sites among bloggers. No spamming allowed-only genuinely created articles are accepted! Submit articles to Technorati 

eHow (Google Page Rank:7  Alexa Rank: 151)

The very old (launched in 1999) and the one among the most used and trusted article submission websites for the excellent and best kinds of bloggers,freelancers, and article writers on the internet.One of the best free directory submission sites on the Internet. Best-in-class top website/directory for article submission. Submit articles to eHow-Free web submission .

Ezine Articles (Google Page Rank:6  Alexa Rank: 242)

This is a content driven,highly rated,and reviewed article submission directory website for bloggers and publishers.Ezinearticles is probably the best and most popular directory among those publishers/writers who want to promote their own website and blog by writing authoritative articles on this.As One of the oldest directory submission sites in the world this directory is mostly utilized for getting high traffic and page rank for any website or blog. Free  Submit articles to EzineArticles -a free article submission directory site.

    Articles Base (Google Page Rank:6 Alexa Rank:842)

    ArticlesBase provides online articles for publishing on blogs or websites for free. In this way your submitted articles can get a really huge combined search engine traffic provided by these websites or blogs that use your free articles (author credits and links are posted intact). Even a good number of direct visitors to ArticlesBase may visit your original website or blog if your articles on the main site are getting good highlight, which is very obvious for the published articles on this directory. Submit your well optimized articles to the directory of ArticlesBase. 

    free directory submission sites

    The Free Library [Google Page Rank:7  Alexa Rank: 4.7K] 

    The Free Library offers vast and huge online content for free. It has more than three million articles submitted to it by many thousands of writers and publisher. It has a section of published online articles divided according to date, type of publication, publishers name. This is really a top listed,best reviewed, huge article submission directory with (a very good Google page rank) lots of categories and listings.A wide range of topics are covered in their articles base. Get your articles published on The Free Library Directory.

    Associated Content (Google Page Rank:7  Alexa Rank: 1.3K)

    This is yahoo's own content writing platform for writers,bloggers, and publishers.Article directory submission and Writing/submitting articles to Associated Content could be a really good money earning opportunity too for you. Your submitted articles get sponsored ads (or Google AdSense).While promoting your own blog or website your articles also earn you good amount of money through ads revenue.One more good reason for article directory submission to this article directory is that your articles get special attention from Yahoo search as well as from the daily unique visitors to yahoo itself. Earn while promoting your blog/website on Yahoo's article directory submission.    


    Knol  (Google Page Rank:7  Alexa Rank: 1)

     Knol is a Google's own product/publishing platform for publishers, writers,students to learn and share knowledge.about anything interesting or important ( its tagline famously says- A unit of knowledge ). Needless to say that publishing/submitting your articles on Knol could fetch your blog/website a great deal of genuine/viral/organic traffic from Knol's community as well as from Google's own search Engine. Its a great idea to write specially designed articles for Knol. Moreover you can build a good readers community and your published Knol ( as they call to articles there! ). Your articles may invite good comments, page views,and may gain good link popularity. Write your 1st Knol-its fun filled and gainful!   (Google Page Rank:8  Alexa Rank: 69) is a very popular website for freelancers and writers. This website is mainly for established writers and freelance authors, hence very less used for submitting articles. It has a great Alexa and Google page rank due to the presence of a huge volume of excellent articles written by its registered regular writers.Again, if you want to write articles regularly on to earn good constant money, you can also link back to your own blog/website, if you have you own. is a very vast and big online library/directory for published articles in 24 different categories on more than a thousand topics !You can write for regularly to earn content writing online money. Register on to publish your articles.

    Squidoo  (Google Page Rank:7  Alexa Rank: 205)

    Squidoo is one of the best online publishing platform for freelancers, writers,bloggers, and web content writers. Squidoo provides great article writing features for publishers around the world. As an article submission directory Squidoo offers great search engine traffic to your published articles ( they call it Lenses ! ). Articles published on Squidoo get really good searches. Your articles also get huge visibility through the Squidoo's own community writers ( they are called Lensmaster at Squidoo). Squidoo has high page rank as well as a good Alexa rank.Writing articles on Squidoo can earn you really good money(your published articles earn you shared revenue through sponsored and Google AdSense ads) as well as good backlinks to your main, original blog or website.Articles published on Squidoo get highly optimized page views through Google searches.Make,create your first Lens on Squidoo for earning while promoting your own blogs

    HubPages  (Google Page Rank:6  Alexa Rank: 321)

    Publishing,submitting your articles on Hubpages is similar to Squidoo.Hubpages is an online community/publishing platform for freelancers, bloggers, writers, and publishers.Your published articles ( called Hubs) get to earn shared revenues through Google AdSense or sponsored ads displaying on your Hubs.Hubpages is a really very popular article submission directory among bloggers and webmasters for creating good backlinks and generating huge viral/organic traffic to your own blogs.Articles submitted to Hubpages gain a quick page rank and good number of page views through search engines. As a result, you earn good Google Adsense money as well as high number of backlinks to your original blog/website by the articles submitted to Hubpages. Start creating your Hubs on Hubpages to earn AdSense money and to promote your blog.

      5 more Free Directory Submission Sites: Article Directories for better SEO, Google PR of your Web Site! 

      5 free web submission article directories mentioned below are very popular among regular bloggers, freelance writers, online article publishers and these top article directories can be utilized as an effective promotional tools 
      for your online product's brand building ! Free Article Submission goes a long long way! (Google Page Rank:7 Alexa Rank: 815 )

      Free Article Submission Directory Insider Source for Local is a great place for writers, content writers, publishers, authors,or simply for any content-contributors who write about anything-local News articles, events, hobbies, personal development,entertainment, etc. There are 25 writing categories in which you can write about anything. Writing or submitting articles on Examiner can fetch you good amount of online earnings too. Many of the established writers ( they are called Examiners, actually) at Examiner write articles solely to earn good consistent income on monthly basis.
      Submitting articles on Examiner can sure shot raise SEO and Google page rankings for your website and it can boost up online branding of your products.
      Contribute articles on Examiner to get better online visibility for your products. 

      Seeking Alpha (Google Page Rank:7 Alexa Rank: 1258)

      Best Article Submission Directory
      If your articles or niche product is based upon stock market news,financial news, or stock market analysis, then Seeking Alpha is the best website or directory for you to submit or contribute your articles. Seeking Alpha is the top best no.1 article submission/promotion website/directory for stock News, financial analysis,and online share market trades.Articles contributed to this web directory could be really good for getting a huge visibility and page rank for your trade related pages. Promote your articles on Seeking Alpha for different article sections, such as opinion, analysis, and financial discussions. 

      Suite 101 (Google Page Rank:7 Alexa Rank: 1935)

      Free Article Submission list
      Suite 101-a web directory to submit articles for 3000
      topics and one of the best place to earn money through your submitted/contributed articles.
      Suite101 is a very popular website among bloggers,writers, authors, online publishers, and content contributors for making good online money by writing articles on this popular online publishing platform where your articles stand a chance to be read by its 17 million readers each month ! Writing articles on Suite101 can be very productive in many ways. Some of the numerous benefits for publishing your articles on Suite101 are : earning money while writing, promoting your online products, making your social networking base stronger through like-minded writers community, your website SEO may increase drastically, getting good number of backlinks, receiving unique daily visitors for your own blog or site, etc.   (Google Page Rank:6 Alexa Rank: 2178)

      Free directory Submission sites is a unique web directory and writer's community for article posting. Here the best thing about Gather is that you simply register, create your profile, and hit a conversation. That's it! Leave rest up to its huge community of regular writers, bloggers community.Your conversation is viewed,commented,and shared by millions readers and writers. Just choose the topic for your conversation that is relevant, current, recent,interesting. People start commenting as soon as they see your conversation on an interesting topic; and in this way your profile and hence your showcased content (or any promotional products) gains popularity, and good visibility. Gather your thoughts to start a fresh new interesting conversation on Gather  

      Bright Hub (Google Page Rank:6 Alexa Rank: 2564)

      directory Submission list
      Bright Hub is a hub place for writers and article publishers where you can become an established writer to earn good online money consistently on monthly basis. Post your articles  as well as promote your online products to earn good extra bucks through your writings on Bright Hub. Bright Hub is mainly popular for the topics, including Computing, Electronics, Business, Internet, Video Games, Mobile, Engineering,Environment, education, Health , Science, Money, and Parenting.
      You can find lots of authentically written  articles on Bright Hub to research and then write about your own niche topics. Bright Hub supports their writers and publishers through its well managed writers forum . Register free on Bright Hub for posting your articles in their articles base that is already publishing 3000+ posts every month.    

      15 Best Article Submission Directories List with Google Page Rank 5 ( PR)

      Buzzle.Com (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 1.5K)

      free directory list

      Buzzle's tagline says, "Intelligent life on the web".There are more than 25 article categories for which you can submit your articles to As a content contributor you are expected to write articles that are up to the standard and reputation of the directory. Don't put too many links, or affiliate links which could be termed as spam and in that case your articles will get deleted without notice.Write solid article, make your own niche and generate good promotion for your base site in no time. (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 1.5K)

      free directory list

      There are more than 1.8M articles submitted on from more than 0.65M writers around the Internet.The article directory allows anyone to use free articles on their website,blog, provided that links in the articles are intact. Article submission is approved only after the review. This is one of the best places to submit your articles .Submit your articles for more than 15 available popular categories 

      Article Alley (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 4.2K)

      free directory submission

      The unique thing about Article Alley is that along with submitting articles, you can also partner with it to promote your own website. In this way Article Alley highlights your websites, promotes it on their website directory. Apart from this you also receive 30% of the Google revenue sharing generated through the page views generated from your own site. The main requirement to partner with Article Alley is that your niche website should be getting at least 5000 unique visitors a day. This is really a win-win situation for you. Your earnings include AdSense Money plus  a good improvement in SEO rankings of your site.Submit articles to Article Alley

      IdeaMarketers (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 4.3K)

      free web submission

      Idweamarketers is a great place for an expert article writer-cum-marketer to generate good leads for your own ebooks, articles, writing expertise. The directory submitted content gets publicity for the writer ( hence for the niche article or writing marketing) when gets circulated to many other online publication platforms, e.g, ezines , article directories, online article libraries, off-line publications. Ideamarketers has a great scope in store for the writer inside you- unleash it on !  

      SooperArticles (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 4.3K)

      article directories

      You can submit your articles to automatically make them visible to search engines and their own reader base. You can write articles based on more than 25 different categories, such as Art, Business, Career, Marketing,Technology,Travel, Writing, Money, etc. Start posting your articles on to promote,improve SEO  of your niche site.

      Bukisa  (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 4.3K)

      directory submission

      Bukisa is mainly popular among content writers and freelancers for get paid writing jobs. That's what Bukisa is all about. You can get double benefit by submitting your articles to Bukisa-earning Google AdSense (as well as sponsored ads ) money while promoting your own base product (niche product) or website for getting a huge search engines traffic and backlinks. Create an account on Bukisa for get paid jobs and promoting your product website.

      Self SEO  (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 5.5K)

      article submission sites

      Self SEO is a superb article submission web directory for marketers, webmasters who want to post articles related to SEO, Traffic, Web traffic generating tools, Search engines submission, web promotion, affiliate marketing, marketing tactics, etc.
      The good think about Self Seo is that even posting comments can boost traffic to your website.You can put your links in submitted comments.Drive traffic to your site by submitting articles and comments to Self SEO   

      Triond (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 6K)

      free directory submission list

      The best about Triond as a article publication directory is that your articles/blogs/writing works submitted here are also get published on many well established publishing platforms and web directories.That aspect/feature of Triond makes it perfectly excellent for writers/publishers.Triond is connected through many established publishing networks and your articles get published/distributed to many relevant networks.End result : your articles find the targeted readers/audiences in no time! Submit Free articles on Triond for any topic 

      Article Dashboard (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 6.5K)

      free directory submission sites list

      Article dashboard -(online since 2005) provides syndicated services to website owners, ezine publishers, and to other web directories.You can publish articles on lots of varieties of topics on Article Dashboard, such as Home-Family,Internet-Business,Society,Travel & Leisure, Writing & Speaking,Product Reviews,etc.
      Register on Article Dashboard to submit your articles.

      Article City (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 6.5K)

      submit free articles

      Article City is among the very nice article submission directories; it provides "thumb shots" previews to your article to increase their visibility and readability. It offers articles and contents free of cost to webmasters and ezines publications.It has added a new video section as well to their web directory which showcases nice videos on lots of types of topics. Submit your articles to Article City for Articles publication and content syndication.

      Isnare Articles (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 7.5K)

      article submission sites

      Isnare.Com offers you article publication (publish your articles for than 50 categories ) and distribution services along with referral programs to earn credits for distribution of your submitted articles. You pay only $2 for registering your articles to distribute among around thousands sites and web directories.Only then you become eligible to take its great referral programs to earn some really good credit points for your article distribution and promotion. Distribute and submit your blog articles to Isnare Article Directory Service. 

      SearchWarp (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 10K)

      article directory list

      Mainly, Searchwarp is a writers community where writers may join a team and up to 3 groups.And 3 teams are displayed rank wise on Home page. each team gets points based on their submitted articles, comments, discussion. Its a very interesting and motivating article publication platform for writers,publishers. Join SearchWarp's writers community to get the most of your writing activities

      Article Blast (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 10.5K)

      article directories

      Article blast popularly offers free article submission service and provides articles for free to use on your website and newsletter.You can add articles to this web directory on almost any topic. Article Blast is the one among many famous and popular best web directories for article submission as well as free distribution. Publish your articles on Article Blast on any topic!

      Article Trader (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 11.3K) 

      article directories

      As a free article directory it offers great link building and article distribution service.  You may use articles from this web directory for your own site ( provided that you keep the authors link intact ) You can also try its paid service for link building and hence increasing visitors to your site.It offers you paid service for permanent link creation-through article submission to 150 directories of 250 articles submissions. Start building links and increasing number of visitors to your site. 

      Article Slash (Google Page Rank:5  Alexa Rank: 12.8K)

      Article Slash is a free article web directory for article submission and getting free content for your blogs,websites. Your submitted articles get a really good visibility from the large reader base of its own. The good thing about Article Slash is that it offers comments for your article, which in turn causes to generate good backlinks for your own niche site.Submit free articles to Article Slash for more than 30+ popular categories

      List of 70 Best Free Article Submission Web Directories

      From the list of 100 free article submission directories, to find out the rest of the 70 web article directories download the list of the 70 SEO friendly "web article directories for free article submission" by just clicking this Google documents spreadsheet icon !
      You will get an indexed list of 70 web directories with Google PR and Alexa Rank mentioned. This list is regularly updated according to the changes reflected by these directories rankings in Google and Alexa. Though, after saving/downloading, you can also update this article directories list according to your own priorities for your personal use. 
      Free Article Submission Directory  

      No. of  article directories with Google Page Rank 7-2

      Google PR7 :1
      Google PR6 :5
      Google PR5 :17
      Google PR4 :23
      Google PR3 :15
      Google PR2 :9
      (The above listed 70 free article directories fall in the range of Alexa ranking 2.7K to 1.3M)

      How to save? Simply right click the sheet> Go to Print>and this will open a file into a new window, now again right click the file and select "Save as" to PDF !

      Free articles directories sites to get free content for your own website

      The above free article submitting directories are useful not only for contributing your articles for weblog promotion but they also work as a great resource for getting free articles for your web site, ezine, blog, newsletters, or for any  kinds of promotional platform. Search for the web directories to get any kind of particular articles. For those who are new to this- always remember to keep the links and writer's credits in the articles intact.As this is the only price they are asking for (Link currency ;) !

      best article directories

      160 Article Directories Google PR2 to Google PR4

      How do find this "Free Submit Directory" List? 
      Please post your suggestions,comments to improve this free Submit Directory List.
      If you own a directory site and want it to be included in "free Submit Directory List" please leave your comment or write me through contact email-Thanks 

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