Debate - WUDC - Ban Private Health Care - Manila Worlds Round 9

Debate - WUDC - Ban Private Health Care - Manila Worlds Round 9 from Alfred Snider on Vimeo.

This House would ban all private health care in favor of a comprehensive public health care system.

Manila WUDC Round 9.

Opening Government Columbia 2nd
Opening Opposition 3rd
Closing Government Cornell 1st
Closing Opposition 4th

This video is produced by Debate Central ( ) the most complete debating website since its founding in 1994. DEBATE CENTRAL is a non-profit service of the Lawrence Debate Union and the University of Vermont, and is designed to promote debating at all levels, in all languages, and all around the world. Our server is provided by the University of Vermont. The System Operator is Alfred C."Tuna"Snider. The Technical Advisors are Andrew Hendrickson and Wesley Wright. The Business Manager is Lionel Palardy.

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